Episode 272

Pirates of the Caribbean | The Curse of the Black Pearl | Normies Like Us Podcast


November 28th, 2023

2 hrs 9 mins 13 secs

Season 6

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl: Episode 272 - Argh, Normies! Your hosts have been on a cursed voyage for the last 20 years, damned to record episode after episode of this podcast. We beg you listeners, heed our tale! And make sure to tune in as we discuss the Disney mega hit movie that paved the way for Marvel and Star Wars - it’s Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl on Normies Like Us

You best be believin’ in Pirate Podcasts, Normies... CAUSE YOU’RE LISTENIN’ TO ONE!

Insta: @Normies_Like_Us https://www.instagram.com/normies_like_us/

@jacob https://www.instagram.com/_j__a___c___o__b_/

@Mike_Has_Insta https://www.instagram.com/mike_has_insta/




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