Episode Archive
336 episodes of Normies Like Us since the first episode, which aired on May 29th, 2018.
Episode 126: Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix | Normies Like Us Podcast
December 15th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 47 mins
harry potter, the order of the phoenix
We must not tell lies on this dive into the 5 entry in the Harry Potter Series - The Order of the Phoenix on Normies Like Us!
Episode 125: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | Normies Like Us Podcast
December 8th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 28 mins
goblet of fire, harry potter
The Triwizard Podcast has begun as we talk about the 4th installment in the Harry Potter Franchise - "The Goblet of Fire" on Normies Like Us!
Episode 124: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Normies Like Us Podcast
December 1st, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 29 mins
harry potter, prisoner of azkaban
EXPECTO PODCATUM! We solemnly swear that we are up to no good as we talk the PRISONER OF AZKABAN on Normies Like Us!
Episode 123: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Normies Like Us Podcast
November 24th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 17 mins
chamber of secrets, harry potter
Year 2 begins at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
as our host try and solve the Tom Riddle and enter into The Chamber of Secrets! -
Episode 122: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone | Normies Like Us Podcast
November 17th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 38 mins
harry potter, philosopher's stone, sorcerer's stone
Yer a Wizard Normie! Our hosts kick of Harry-vember/ Pott-cember with the first Book and film in the HP series The Sorcerer's (or Philosopher's) Stone!
Episode 121: The Mandalorian | Season 2 | Normies Like Us
November 10th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 18 mins
disney plus, normies like us, season 2, star wars, the mandalorian
The Mandalorian is back for Season 2 and your hosts break down the first 2 episodes of the hit Disney+ Star Wars series!
Episode 120: Spooktacular 2020 | Halloween Normies | Normies Like Us Podcast
October 27th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 27 mins
2020, halloween, normies like us, spooktacular, trick or treat
Spooktacular 2020 - Leading up to Halloween, our hosts discuss all things spooky, from Hauntings, Ghosts, Spooky Movies, Elvira and More on NORMIES LIKE US!
Episode 119: Found Footage Horror | The Blair Witch and More | Normies Like Us Podcast
October 20th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 15 mins
found footage, horror, normies like us, spook-tober
A series of lost recordings were found in the woods. The audio contained seemed to detail how the found footage genre has left its mark on the entertainment industry. This...is Normies Like Us...
Episode 118: Alien Franchise | Space Horror | Normies Like Us Podcast
October 13th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 46 mins
alien, aliens, horror, movies, normies like us podcast, ridley scott, sci-fi
In Space, no one can hear you Scream! We dive into the Alien Franchise on this space spooky episode of Normies Like Us!
Episode 117: The Scream Series | Meta-Horror 101 | Normies Like Us Podcast
October 6th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 29 mins
horror, movies, normies like us podcast, scream, spook-tober
SCREAM! What's your favorite scary movie? We talk the meta-horror franchise of SCREAM on Normies Like Us!
Episode 116: PS5 vs. XBOX Series X | Next Gen Gaming | Normies Like Us Podcast
September 29th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 12 mins
gaming, normies like us, ps5, series x, xbox
XBOX Series X v.s. PS5! Next Gen gaming news and debates or the the list of topics on this very special episode of NORMIES LIKE US!
Episode 115: The Boys | Amazon Original Review | Normies Like Us Podcast
September 23rd, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 22 mins
amazon, homelander, normies like us, the boys, the seven
F*ck Supes! The Boys get together to talk The Seven and Amazons Dark Superhero original "The Boys" on Normies Like Us!
Episode 114: Mulan Review | Disney+ 2020 | Normies Like Us Podcast
September 15th, 2020 | Season 3 | 34 mins 11 secs
2020, disney+, movie review, mulan, review
Mulan 2020 - Our hosts review the Live Action Reboot of Disney's Mulan on this episode of Normies Like Us!
Episode 113: DC Fandome | Batman, Snyder Cut and MORE | Normies Like Us Podcast
September 8th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 39 mins
batman, dc, dc fandome, detective comics, justice leauge, suicide squad, wonder woman
On a very special episode your hosts are breaking down everything coming out of the massive virtual event DC FANDOME!
Episode 112: Umbrella Academy | Netflix and Comics | Normies Like Us
September 1st, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 19 mins
comics, movies, netflix, normies like us, review, superheroes, tv, umbrella academy
Our Hosts talk Umbrella Academy Season 1 and 2 as well as the Comic Origins and find out who is a member of Gerard Way's BLACK PARADE on this episode of Normies Like Us
Episode 111: Lovecraft Country | H.P. Lovecraft Influences and More! | Normies Like Us Podcast
August 25th, 2020 | Season 3 | 1 hr 22 mins
bloodborne, hbo, lovecraft, normies like us, review
H.P. Lovecraft is a Horror Icon with equally horrific personal beliefs. On this episode we take a look at examining this side of the author in HBO's Lovecraft Country as well as examine his influence on other works of pop culture in video games, and comic books.