We found 2 episodes of Normies Like Us with the tag “video game”.
Episode 334: Monster Hunter Wilds | Game Review | Normies Like Us Podcast
March 4th, 2025 | Season 8 | 1 hr 45 mins
2025, capcom, monster hunter, video game, videogames, wilds
We gear up and kit out our Palicos as we talk the latest release in Capcom's most popular franchise with Monster Hunter Rise on Normies Like Us!
Episode 6: Poke-Norms - Normies Like Us Podcast
June 26th, 2018 | 1 hr 26 mins
4 kids, anime, ash, blue, brock, bulbapedia, charizard, charmander, comics, double battle, eevee, elite 4, freak, funny, game, gameboy, gameboy color, gold, gotta catch em all, james, japan, jesse, jigglypuff, like, manga, meowth, meta, mew two, mewtwo, misty, movies, n64, nintendo, nintendo 64, nintendo switch, normie, normies, nurse joy, pikachu, podcast, podcasting, poke ball, poke center, pokeball, pokemon, pokemon blue, pokemon go, pokemon red, pokemon snap, pokemon stadium, pokemon the movie, pop culture, professor oak, red, ruby, saphire, satoshi tajiri, silver, smash brothers, smogon, squirtle, team rocket, trick room, us, vgc, video game, videogames, weavile, x, y
Our Hosts are talking all things POKEMON! The Games, TV Show, Movies, Comics and MORE! Joined by special guest xKAITA.